Sunday, March 25, 2012

It's a bird, it's a plane, its... TACOCOPTER!!!

I shit you not. News of a fast-food UFO drone has been sweeping the internet as of late, and here at Belly Busters we are more than happy to welcome what just might be the greatest technological advancement that man has ever seen. From Huffington Post:
"Indeed, the concept behind Tacocopter is very simple, and very American: You order tacos on your smartphone and also beam in your GPS location information. Your order -- and your location -- are transmitted to an unmanned drone helicopter (grounded, near the kitchen where the tacos are made), and the tacocopter is then sent out with your food to find you and deliver your tacos to wherever you're standing. 

You pay online, so the tacos are simply dropped off at your feet by the drone helicopter, which then flies back to the restaurant to pick up its next order."

Say what?! So, in theory, I could be sitting on the dock partaking in a spirited round of Edward 40-Hands with no conceivable way of stuffing my own taco (apart from the costly notion of hiring/training monkey butlers), when some magical flying taco-saucer comes floating down to Earth like some kind of Mexican Angel to bless me with Holy Chalupa goodness?! There really is a god.

Thank-you, Lord, for giving us this daily taco.

Whoa whoa, don't go ripping your oven out of the wall to make way for that NBA Jam arcade machine yet, friends - we may yet be a few excruciating years away from seeing our skies inhabited by lazer armed burrito ships. From HuffPost:

"...because of the FAA's regulations -- as well as other minor problems, like navigating the treacherous terrain of an urban environment, keeping the food warm, finding a city map precise enough to avoid crashes 100 percent of the time, avoiding birds, balconies and telephone wires, delivering food to people indoors, delivering food to the right person, dealing with greedy humans who would just steal the Tacocopter as soon as it got to them, etc. -- the Tacocopter website exists more as a conversation starter about the future of food delivery (and delivery in general), as well as about the commercial uses of unmanned vehicles, than an actual startup plan or business."

I know, major bummer, and I'm sorry to give you the blue balls that I only just got over, but the exciting truth is that this type of unmanned fast food drone is a reality who's time will come. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but once we get past the potential danger of "having flying robots slinging tacos over people's heads", I am confident that the skies can finally be given greater purpose than transporting fat white people to third world countries to burn their greasy skin. Finally, we can have tacos dropped into our hands from above, pizza dropped in the middle of a picnic blanket and bacon... well bacon just shot around everywhere like a beautiful greasy rain storm (can't you picture the sizzling rainbow?). Oh, what dreams may come.

Here's to the future!

Check out the Tacocopter website and sign up to the newsletter for any future developments. 

PS: I don't know why but the fuckin Blogger editor has really screwed with the formatting on this article. Piece a crap.

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